
blissfully happy この上なく幸せなI guess you could say we had a blissfully happy childhood. However, when Primo went to secondary school he became a lot more troubled. He was small for his age and the bigger boys picked on him.

drill down (問題などを)掘り下げるLet's drill down for a moment into each of these three cases, teasing out some of the essential elements of difference.homegrown applications 自作のアプリケーションtrue child 申し子Like Google, DoubleClic…

gruesome 身の毛もよだつ、身震いするほど恐ろしい、陰惨な I can't stand horror movies because they're so gruesome. 身の毛がよだつので、ホラー映画は耐えられない。pick up the pieces 事態を収拾する、後始末をする、It was a year after the United …

relate to 気持ちが通じる、気持ちがわかる、共鳴するDo you have Korean fans? Actually I do. Sometimes people from Korea will post messages on my website. And I performed in an awards ceremony in Korea; some people had signs up and I was like…

tap out たたく、打つ、たたき出す、tap out an SOS SOS を打つ tap out the figure on a calculator 電卓で数字を打ち出すStarting Saturday, many cell phone users may find their beloved handsets even more indispensable. In addition to tapping out…