
trail 後追いするThe poverty rate is the last, lonely trailing indicator of the business cycle,strike down a bill 法案を却下する strike down a law 法律を取り消す[無効にする] dirigiste 統制経済的、統制政策の Nor was globalization in any wa…

sell at a profit 売り抜ける、利益を得て売る、利益が出たら売る sell on 転売するThe rent-seeking the prime minister complained of also plays a part: Malays snap up the shares reserved for them in initial public offerings, for example, and th…

bump up against restrictions imposed by the treaty 条約が課す制限事項と衝突する Chinese-made bras, blouses and T-shirts are piling up at customs checkpoints across Europe, having already bumped up against import limits set earlier this yea…

knee-jerk 条件反射的な、お決まりの行動を取る、ワンパターンのThe answer is not in the knee-jerk antigovernment rhetoric of our past.

snap election 解散総選挙 call a snap election 議会を解散して選挙を行う After losing a crucial upper-house vote on privatising Japan’s postal monopoly, the prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, has called a snap election, triggering a civil wa…




Economistの記事 http://economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4246109より大事な論点は、三つ。 ①attitudes to gaming are marked by a generational divide ②there is no convincing evidence that games make people violent ③games have great poten…

a house of cards 不安定な建物、仕組み、計画like a house of cards 砂上の楼閣のように It could have acted on warnings that bankers were financing a house of cards, critics claim.tamper with 〜を改ざんする、〜に手を加えるtamper with evidence …

ジェスパー・ホフマイヤー 『生命記号論』http://www.digital-narcis.org/research/research_bs.htm