
business-as-usual 旧態依然Slowly, however, they lost patience with what they saw as the government's loose ethics and plodding, business-as-usual approach to the urgent challenges of national development.rout 大敗させる、完勝するIn mid-Jul…

be smitten with 〜に夢中になる They were, Prunier writes, "quite smitten with the Tutsi," finding them a "superior race" of people who were "meant to reign," possessed "a refinement of feelings which is rare among primitive people," and ha…

文章を引き締める Constant scrutiny and editing means even the worst articles are gradually getting better, while the best ones are kept nicely polished and up to date. Someone, eventually, will spot even the tiniest error, or tighten a pat…

glaring 目立つ、目に付く、派手なThe notion of an infinitely elastic internet encyclopedia, always up to date and distilling the collective wisdom of the wired is even more tempting. When open to all comers, anonymously, the problems are ev…

fait accompli 既成事実Some Chinese policymakers believe that if confronted with a fait accompli, America would lack the heart for a fight to liberate Taiwan.

to the untutored eye 素人目には、知識のない人にとっては To the untutored ear, the verbal salvoes lobbed across the Taiwan Strait since the weekend might appear to carry with them an alarming rise in tensions over nearly the last bit of unf…

For much of last year the yen slid, but there has recently been a brisk appreciation. A dollar bought over 121 yen on February 23rd, but now buys around 116.

unswervingly 道をそれずに、確固としてWe must free our minds, follow a realistic and practical approach, keep pace with the times, work hard with a pioneering and innovative spirit, unswervingly take the road of Chinese socialism, adhere to…