
pull strings 裏から手を回す、コネを利用するIf one cannot afford to study abroad, a Greek university offers poor quality tuition and, unless one's family can pull strings, few opportunities for getting a job afterwards.

margin calls 追加証拠金、追証As prices fall, the value of the collateral used as security for loans declines as well, provoking margin calls. Holders of securities must sell them at distressed prices to meet the minimum cash or capital req…

backardation 逆転現象(直物価格が先物価格を上回ること)When the idea started to be heavily promoted, around 2002, there was a rationale for it. Commodity futures were selling at discounts from cash, and institutions could pick up additiona…

take a page out of book 本をお手本にする、まねるThat would take a page right out of Goldman Sachs' playbook. Last year, the bank raked in $1.5 billion in buyout-related revenue, tops among Wall Street firms. At the same time, its financial…

speak volumes 多くを語る、His facial expression spoke volumes about what he really thought about your opinions. overqualified 必要以上に教育を受けているLike Italy, Japan produces far too many architecture graduates for all to become buildi…