
punctuate 中断するThanks in part to Mr Greenspan's able management of the money supply, America has experienced some of the longest booms of its history, punctuated by only the mildest of recessions. have big shoes to fill (後継者として)…

publicly-traded companies 株式公開企業、株式会社As much as three-quarters of the value of publicly traded companies in America comes from intangible assets, up from around 40% in the early 1980s. “The economic product of the United States”…

bring down (コストを)抑える、抑制するGM has been negotiating with its main union for some time to bring down the costs of health-care provision to blue-collar workers. attrition rate 摩耗率、損耗率、減少率、離職率 natural wastage 人的資…

pointedly あからさまに、はっきりと、辛らつに、狙いを定めて、的を射て→「狙いをはっきりさせる」という意味の動詞 point から派生。非難や怒りといったニュアンスがあるHe pointedly disagreed with the constitutional philosophy often called "origina…

overdo 行き過ぎThe turnaround in perceptions of Japan has been so sudden that it risks being overdone.downbeat earning news 業績悪化のニュースUS stock markets were hammered last week by high oil prices and downbeat earnings news in the ret…

ised glocom議事録より さらに胡散臭いのは「安心・安全」というキーワードです。この標語のもとに、国はRFIDを推進しているわけですが、安心とはなんですか。安心に相当する言葉は英語にはないといわれていて、どうやら「本当に安全でなくても安全だと思い…

In addition, banks and other lenders maintain a spread between the rate they pay on deposits and the rate they charge on loans. This is, of course, how they make their money. But in poor countries, this spread widens to alarming proportion…

gold standard 金本位制History offers perhaps only one true example of a reserve-currency shift, from the British pound to the dollar. The pound was king during the era of the gold standard. But in the years after 1914, Britain switched fro…

mainstay メインマストを支える綱、頼みの綱、大黒柱、中堅、要(かなめ)mainstay item 主力商品Manufacturing has been the mainstay of Japan's economy since the 1960s and today accounts for just over 20% of current-price GDP. dominate a market …

embellish 潤色する、尾ひれをつける ring of truth どこか真実味がある、真実味を帯びているLike other Feynman stories, it may have been embellished in the telling, but to anyone who knew both Mulaika and Feynman it has the ring of truth. undiv…