come off 【句動-9】 〜という結果になる、〜の状態で終わる、判明する

He said a protest by Kao's group would come off as "profanity" to them and only benefit the mainland Chinese government.

emotional distress 精神的苦痛

Several people from Taiwan have sued the Japanese government for damages, claiming emotional distress over Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's contentious visits to the Shinto shrine, which honors Japan's 2.5 million war dead and 14 Class-A war criminals convicted by the Allied-led tribunal.

crash course 短期集中講座、速習コース (突貫工事 crash job)

It's clear from the booming business at public relations firms, which are offering crash courses on spinning media fallout to companies and even local government municipalities, that demand for crisis management advice is there.

hone 【名】 砥石  〜を砥石で研ぐ (能力)に磨きをかける、(技能・腕を)磨く、鍛える
・ They honed their negotiating skills in the class. 彼らはその講習で交渉の手腕を磨いた。

His experience at the scandal front lines honed Davis' mantra: "Tell it early, tell it all, tell it yourself."