bump up against restrictions imposed by the treaty

Chinese-made bras, blouses and T-shirts are piling up at customs checkpoints across Europe, having already bumped up against import limits set earlier this year.

thrash out (問題などを)徹底的に議論する、(心理・解決などを)議論の末見つけ出す

thrash out a solution to the crisis その危機の打開策を見つけ出す

America, which has imposed its own curbs on Chinese imports, is working to thrash out a deal on textiles that can be signed when Hu Jintao, the Chinese president, meets George Bush next month.

stave off 【句動】 辛うじて避ける[防ぐ・食い止める]、免れる、回避する、歯止めをかける、払いのける

stave off a financial crisis 金融危機を回避する

America will have a hard time finding a solution that makes its textile workers content to watch their jobs travel overseas,and an even harder time finding one that will do much more than temporarily stave off the inevitable flight.