froty 泡だって、バブル気味で

Though America’s stockmarkets are quiet compared with the go-go 1990s, its housing market looks decidedly frothy.


The listings, and the information that they distil, can help a student with that choice.


A sharp correction in the housing market could give the economy convulsions.

stave off 【句動】 辛うじて避ける[防ぐ・食い止める]、免れる、回避する、歯止めをかける、払いのける

stave off a financial crisis 金融危機を回避する

The central bank seems to have staved off the crisis, but only by raising interest rates three times in the past month.

lag lagging index 遅行指数、遅延指数
lagging index for economic trends for the following months 景気の後を追う遅行指数

lagging indicator 遅行指標

When asked by what criteria he would like his school to be judged, Kim Clark, who was the dean of HBS until the end of July, said “the achievement of its alumni”. But that is a lagging indicator.