embellish 潤色する、尾ひれをつける
ring of truth どこか真実味がある、真実味を帯びている

Like other Feynman stories, it may have been embellished in the telling, but to anyone who knew both Mulaika and Feynman it has the ring of truth.


give ~ undivided attention 〜に全神経を集中する、〜に脇目もふらない、つきっきりで〜の相手をする

with undivided attention 余念なく

This collection of letters shows us for the first time the son caring for his father and mother, the father caring for his wife and children, the teacher caring for his students, the writer replying to people throughout the world who wrote to him about their problems and received his full and undivided attention.

studied 故意の、わざと、考え抜かれた

Feynman treated Rogers with studied politeness and did not openly rebel.