saliva 唾液 [sэla'ivэ]

AIDS can not be transmitted by touch or by saliva, so the chances of Eve infecting another child were very low.

shunned 寄り付かない、敬遠される、仲間はずれにされる、孤立する、

all year round 一年中

Now we use artificial sunlight and heat to produce lots of fruits and vegetables all year around; what we cannot bring grow ourselves, we bring from the other side of the world.

tear is welling up 涙があふれる

Kazuyo felt tears welling up in her eyes.

gurgle のどを鳴らす、ごろごろと鳴らす

The little boy gurgled contently. その赤ん坊は、満足そうに喉を鳴らした。

purr (猫が)のどを鳴らす、満足そうな様子を示す