dizzyingly 目まぐるしく、目まいがするほど

Today it is possible to have information about any part of the world, at any moment and concurrently. But money also has the power of ubiquity now. It comes and goes dizzyingly, as if it were everywhere at the same time. And, in addition, money gives the world a new form, the form of a market, a supermarket.

a heart of gold 親切な人、思いやりのある心

I think she is a lady with a heart of gold. 彼女は心優しい女性だと思う。

objectionable 不快な、いかがわしい、不愉快な

keep all objectionable messages off this forum 不快なメッセージをフォーラムから削除する

Administrators will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum. 不快な発言は管理人によって削除されます。