back taxes 未払いの税金、追徴金

Its most controversial provision, which eventually killed it in the House, would have allowed people who had been in the United States illegally for five or more years to become legal residents if they paid both a $2,000 fine and back taxes on their past earnings.

delinquency rate on home loans 住宅ローンの不履行[滞納]率

A rising share of American mortgage holders are behind with their payments. The delinquency rate on home loans rose from 4.8% to 5.1% in the second quarter. The rate for subprime loans rose from 13.8% to 14.8%.

pull off 成功する、〜をうまく[首尾よく]やる[やってのける・やり通す・やり遂げる・成し遂げる]

This time last year Mr Ghosn, the most admired car boss in the world, was still trying to pull off a deal that would have made General Motors (GM) the third member of his alliance.

issue a profit warning 業績を下方修正する

In February Nissan issued a profit warning—its first real reverse since 1999, when it forged its alliance with Renault, which bought a 37% stake (later raised to 44%) in the much bigger but nearly bankrupt Japanese firm.