business-as-usual 旧態依然

Slowly, however, they lost patience with what they saw as the government's loose ethics and plodding, business-as-usual approach to the urgent challenges of national development.

rout 大敗させる、完勝する

In mid-July 1994, Kagame's RPF finally routed the Rwandan army and put an end to the genocide.

. Lesser criminals, those who killed in their villages or guided death squads, may serve limited prison terms or none at all if they confess before local assemblies and show credible remorse

in the top quartile 上位4分の1に入っている

in high-sounding words 仰々しい言葉で

All this may seem at odds with the stated commitment of Ivy League and other elite colleges to the high-sounding principle of "need-blind" admissions.