hold back 【句動-3】 (すごすごと)引き下がる、尻込みする、ためらう、遠慮する、手加減する、容赦する、気後れする、ひるむ

He hasn't held back from criticizing company decisions, acknowledging earlier this year that Sony made the mistake of being overly proprietary about its content. In a culture that values harmony, he isn't exactly viewed as a team player.

insturumental【形-1】 手段となる、役立つ、助けになる、役に立つ、有益な

Stringer said he still views Kutaragi as a key person at Sony and instrumental in developing the next-generation video-game console dubbed PlayStation 3, or PS3.

pass over 3[〜+目+over] 〔昇進などで〕〈人を〉考慮に入れない, 除外する

I was passed over for promotion. 私は昇進を見送られた.

on pace このままのペースで行くと

The batter is on pace to break the single-season home run record. そのバッターはこのままのペースで行くと、1シーズンのホームラン記録を破ることになる。

on the drawing board 計画の段階で

The company had other great inventions on the drawing board at that time. その会社には、そのとき他にも計画段階での優れた発明があった

Dozens of gadgets -- from an iPod phone to wireless iPods that talk to one another to the ultimate all-in-one home-cum-car media hub -- appear to be on the drawing board or, in some cases, already in prototype.

back to the drawing board (事がうまくいかなくなって)最初[計画]の段階に戻って、振り出しに戻って

The safety test results meant that it was back to the drawing board. 安全テストの結果は、最初からやり直しということを意味していた