break free of 〜から抜け出す、〜を打破する、〜から切り抜ける

 break free of economic standstill 経済の停滞から抜け出す

final blow  とどめの一撃、最終的な打撃

 Today's tankan became the final blow to expectations that the economy would recover rapidly.

bleak  寒々とした、荒涼とした、見通しが暗い、希望がない

 have bleak business prospects  先行きが厳しい景気見通し

 But economists said future prospects were not expected to be bleak, given solid demand in capital spending and the workforce.

dampen 弱める、湿らせる、鈍らせる、気持ちを削ぐ (=dent)

dampen business sentiment 企業心理を冷え込ませる 、景気に水を差す

High crude oil prices dampened sentiment in such sectors as ceramics, and pulp and paper.

hover at a high __% _%という高い水準で推移する、_%で高止まりする

 hover at a low level 低迷{ていめい}する

respond in good faith 誠意を持って対応する

 If China does not respond in good faith to our requests, we must proceed to the  next step. 中国側から満足できる回答がない場合は、

eye じっと見る、注視する、〜に注目する、〜を視野に入れる

Japanese car, steel and electronics makers are eyeing Mexico's market of 105 million people, with some, including electronics producer Kyocera Corp., already shifting production there.

phase out 段階的に[徐々に・次第に]廃止する

The FTA phases out tariffs on 90 percent of goods within 10 years, when 98 percent of Japanese exports and 87 percent of Mexican imports will become duty-free.