bump up 【句動】 (点数・価格・対価など)増やす、上げる

bump up a notch 1段階上{だんかい うえ}がる
bump up the price 価格[値段]をつり上げる

mop up
【句動-1】 モップをかける、ふき取る、吸い取る、ぬぐい取る
【句動-2】 (仕事を)片付ける、完了する
【句動-3】 かっさらう、掃討する
【句動-4】 完全に打ち負かす、殺す
【句動-5】 大酒を飲む

In order to keep their exchange-rate operations from causing inflation at home (the natural result of keeping one’s currency undervalued), central banks sell bonds on the domestic market in order to mop up excess money supply.

get a grip on 【1】 〜を把握[理解]する

・ We need a leader who can get a grip on what is really happening in society. 何が本当に社会で起きているのかについて、把握できる指導者が必要だ。

【2】 〜の手綱を締める、〜を支配する◆【同】gain firm control of

get a grip on oneself 自分を抑える、自制する、しっかりする
Part of the reason this spending is so hard to get a grip on is that it is happening on multiple levels. With interest rates low, consumers have been tapping into their home equity and taking on credit-card debt—the latest figures from America’s Bureau of Economic Analysis show individuals’ savings were just 0.6% of their income in February.