number-crunching (名)複雑な計算、(形)大量の演算を行う

A “dual-core” chip can, at least in theory, deliver twice the number-crunching performance of a single-core chip, but at the same clock speed.

locked in fierce competition 《be 〜》厳しい競争にさらされている

Lured by the massive potential of the Chinese market, the world's major breweries are locked in a fierce war in the economic hub of Shanghai.

pull out 【句動-2】 引っ込める、手を引く、引き上げる、立ち去る、退却する、撤退する、参加しない、取りやめる

Shanghai is a very tough market. We might have to even pull out in the worst-case scenario.

pin hopes on 〜に希望を託する、期待を(人)にかける

The telecommunications giant said it would pin its hopes for future growth on its optical fiber business.