teeter ぐらつく、シーソーにのる

The company is teetering on the brink of being delisted from the NASDAQ. その企業はナスダック店頭株式市場の銘柄表から外されるか外されないかの瀬戸際でぐらついている。

prop up 下支えする

The policy was adopted in 2001 as an emergency measure to inflate prices and prop up the country's teetering banks. But it also had the unintended side effect of turning the country into a huge pot of free money for the rest of the world.

outrightb purchase of long-term government bond 長期国債の無条件購入[の買い入れ]
buying operation 買いオペ

The BoJ said it expected rates to remain at “effectively zero per cent” for some time. It also said it would continue to make outright purchases of government bonds of Y1,200bn, a sop to the finance ministry, which had feared the sudden withdrawal of a buyer of last resort.