a quirk of fate 運命のいたずら、思いがけない偶然、

come in handy 思いがけず役に立つ

You never know when something is going to come in handy. いつ何が役に立つか分からない。

to apporopriate a current colloquialism, 現代の話し言葉を借りるならば、

sickly 病弱な、病気がちの 

The sickly boy could only eat rice soup. その病気がちの少年は、かゆしか食べられなかった

frail 虚弱な

The frail old man crossed the street using a cane. 弱々しい老人がつえをつきながら通りを横切った。


At a factory in Fukushima Prefecture, Shima's staff disassembles cars, salvages those parts that can be used again and sends them to markets both in Japan and abroad. As Japan seeks to protect the environment and encourage recycling, demand is growing for Shima's services.