give ~ a run for one's money 〜が手応えを感じるくらい健闘する、〜を相手に善戦する

Indian and Chinese firms are now starting to give their rich-world rivals a run for their money.

make one's mark 有名になる、名を成す、頭角を現す、成功する、出世する

Brazilian and Russian multinationals are also starting to make their mark. The Russians have outdone the Indians this year, splashing $11.4 billion abroad, and are now in the running to buy Alitalia, Italy's state airline

white goods 白物(家電)、大型家電製品

India's Ranbaxy is still minute compared with a branded-drugs maker like Pfizer; China's Haier, a maker of white goods, is a minnow next to Whirlpool's whale.