
ローレンス・レッシグ 『CODE − インターネットの合法・違法・プライバシー』 http://www.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~qq46213/code.html翻訳 http://www.sohos.com/commu_studyroom.htm

reproach for/withShe reproached her son for coming home late. 彼女は帰宅が遅かったからといって息子をしかった. He reproached his pupils with laziness. 彼は生徒たちを不勉強だと言ってしかった.up for grabs 容易に手に入る、よりどりみどりのThe j…

[memo} http://www.nybooks.com/articles/18256より


take on 〜と対戦[対決]する、〜と争う、〜と戦う、〜に挑戦する、〜を相手に取り組む、〜を相手にするThey decided to take on the authorities. 彼らは当局と対決することを決めたHe stole the limelight from the DPJ by recruiting a team of high-pro…

trail 後追いするThe poverty rate is the last, lonely trailing indicator of the business cycle,strike down a bill 法案を却下する strike down a law 法律を取り消す[無効にする] dirigiste 統制経済的、統制政策の Nor was globalization in any wa…

sell at a profit 売り抜ける、利益を得て売る、利益が出たら売る sell on 転売するThe rent-seeking the prime minister complained of also plays a part: Malays snap up the shares reserved for them in initial public offerings, for example, and th…

bump up against restrictions imposed by the treaty 条約が課す制限事項と衝突する Chinese-made bras, blouses and T-shirts are piling up at customs checkpoints across Europe, having already bumped up against import limits set earlier this yea…

knee-jerk 条件反射的な、お決まりの行動を取る、ワンパターンのThe answer is not in the knee-jerk antigovernment rhetoric of our past.

snap election 解散総選挙 call a snap election 議会を解散して選挙を行う After losing a crucial upper-house vote on privatising Japan’s postal monopoly, the prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, has called a snap election, triggering a civil wa…




Economistの記事 http://economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=4246109より大事な論点は、三つ。 ①attitudes to gaming are marked by a generational divide ②there is no convincing evidence that games make people violent ③games have great poten…

a house of cards 不安定な建物、仕組み、計画like a house of cards 砂上の楼閣のように It could have acted on warnings that bankers were financing a house of cards, critics claim.tamper with 〜を改ざんする、〜に手を加えるtamper with evidence …

ジェスパー・ホフマイヤー 『生命記号論』http://www.digital-narcis.org/research/research_bs.htm

自発的失業、非自発的失業The number of people made redundant involuntarily totaled 700,000, down 200,000 from a year earlier. By contrast, the number who quit of their own accord rose 30,000 to 1.04 million.有効求人倍率The ratio of job offe…



make good on 〜を遂行[履行]する make good on one's promise 約束を守る、有言実行する make good on the warranty (製品の)保証を履行する In order to make the merger go through, he agreed to let Philip Purcell, then the head of Dean Witter,…

assumed debt 引受債務、引き継いだ債務 breakup fee 違約金On Thursday June 23rd, the state-controlled China National Offshore Oil Corporation made a cash bid of $18.5 billion for Unocal ($20.6 billion including assumed debt and a break-up fe…

get tough with 〜につらく当たる、〜に厳しくするUnless governments get tough with their powerful farming lobbies and cut their supports, farm subsidies could stymie further progress on world trade liberalisation五段階評価するThe answers wer…

steep 〜を浸す、ずぶぬれにする 〜に没頭する、(悪事)に染まる While most Japanese don't chant and meditate like monks every day, the culture is steeped in Buddhism, even if it's not obvious.security breach セキュリティー違反、機密保護違反…

come off 【句動-9】 〜という結果になる、〜の状態で終わる、判明するHe said a protest by Kao's group would come off as "profanity" to them and only benefit the mainland Chinese government.emotional distress 精神的苦痛Several people from Taiw…

bring oneself to 〜する気になる ・ Hetti couldn't bring herself to sell her late father's farm. ヘティーは亡くなった父親の農場を売る気になれなかった。 centerpiece 目玉的存在、中央にあるもの、最も重要なもの、最重要項目、最大の呼び物 ・ The …

surrender 引き渡すGovernments that have exhausted fiscal stimulus generally rely on monetary policy to soften downturns, but euro-area governments have surrendered control over their money supply to the European Central Bank. siphon 〈収入…

spent 消耗した、弱っている、消費されたThe less polite version is that Europe is a spent force, with slow economic growth, death-spiral demographics, unaffordable welfare states, simmering Muslim populations and little ability to project po…

sink to 【句動-2】 (価格や評価などが)〜まで下がる[下落する]・ The share price sink to $100. その株価は100ドルに下がった。・Japan's total fertility rate sank to 1.28 in calendar 2004, marking an all-time low for the fourth straight year…

redress 矯正(手段)、改善、償い、救済(策)◆【類】remedy 【他動-3】 (損害を)補償するredress ASEAN's intra-regional disparities ASEAN の域内格差を是正する seek redress for 〜に対する補償を求める She seeks redress for the mining operation…

gear up ギアを取り付ける、シフトアップする、高速ギアにする、自動車のギアを上げる、準備する、準備をさせる、促進する、適合させる、力を入れる gear up industry 産業を促進する gear up production 生産{せいさん}を高める it seems difficult for t…

number-crunching (名)複雑な計算、(形)大量の演算を行うA “dual-core” chip can, at least in theory, deliver twice the number-crunching performance of a single-core chip, but at the same clock speed. locked in fierce competition 《be 〜》…

gain currency 広く使われるようになる、通用しだす、流行する、流布する、世間に認められる[受け入れられる]In this sense, kigyo kachi (corporate value) -- the term that gained currency during the takeover game between Internet portal Livedoor…

rock 2〈…を〉(感情的に)強く動かす, 動転させるThe murder case rocked the whole country. その殺人事件は国中を震撼させたCompared with the shocks that rocked IBM in the 1990s, its recent problems look fairly minor.go through [hit, strike] …

to be fair とは言うものの、(文頭で、接続詞的につかう)all eyes are on すべての目が〜に注がれる、皆が注目する Now all eyes are on the election to be held on May 22nd in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany’s most populous state. A loss there co…