
pervert 曲解する、誤解する、誤って使用する、不適切に用いる、 Some think terrorists pervert the meaning of Islam. テロリストはイスラム教の意味を曲解していると考える人もいるopen contempt あからさまな蔑視display open contempt for 〜に対するあ…

relegate 〜 to the back barner 後回しにする、二の次にするIn the 1980s the concept of “truth and reconciliation” began to be the rage, and justice was relegated to the back burner.on the back burner 後回し、棚上げ、保留にしてfree-trade acco…

teeter ぐらつく、シーソーにのる The company is teetering on the brink of being delisted from the NASDAQ. その企業はナスダック店頭株式市場の銘柄表から外されるか外されないかの瀬戸際でぐらついている。prop up 下支えするThe policy was adopted i…

young at heart 気が若い、気持ちが若いThere are toys for employees' children and for the young-at-heart Googlers like this one. throw out (法案などを)破棄する、取り消す、却下・否決する、Company A asked the U. S. Supreme Court to throw out…

crisp 歯切れのいい brashness がむしゃら、生意気、(Edo brasshness べらんめえ)spark a boom 人気に火を付けるHis familiarity with Chinese classical literature sparked his thought of becoming a writer. at pains to 骨を折る、〜しようと苦心するIt…

credit crunch 資金不足The government pressure on banks to clean up bad debt has caused a severe credit crunch sending some companies scrambling for funds. 政府が銀行に不良債権処理をするよう圧力をかけたことにより、深刻な資金不足が発生し、資…

American Pie より抜粋

The focus tended to be on average people in typical day to day struggles.What's happened is that while the place is still the same, I'm not the person I used to be.On a fashion scale of 1 to 10, I would say that, generally speaking, Texans…

less traveled pass ⇔ well-worn passTo chose the one less traveled by has made all the difference. race through someone's mind (考えなどが)(人)の頭の中を駆け巡る Evil thoughts raced through my mind. よこしまな考えが頭の中を駆け巡った。 …

financialy strapped 厳しい財政状態の、prevent cash-strapped health insurance funds from going bankrupt 厳しい財政運営の健保基金が破たんしないようにする Mr Koizumi said that he understands athletes, aspiring to make it into the winter Olymp…

Japan has as many jobs on offer as there are applicants.有効求人倍率が一倍になる。Confidence is returning to the housing market, too.This could point to a skills mismatch in the economy, where people are insufficiently suited for the kind …

controlling interest 支配的利権、会社を支配するのに十分な持ち株、過半数株式、purchase a controlling interest in

ised glocom第六回設計研より

情報財のコストが劇的に下がること→智の配分と富の配分の乖離、固有名の機能=帰責性、教養の崩壊、 固有名というのは、要はこの「心の理論」を呼び出すフックになっている。そして「心の理論」を呼び出すことで、私たちは可能世界をイメージできる。 誰かの…

wishful thinking 甘い考え、願望的思考、That's your wishful thinking. それは考えが甘い "You know what my least favorite John Lennon song is?" he says. "Imagine. At the root of it is some rigorous thinking about the way things could be, but …

in full view of 丸見えで、衆人環視の下で、In hospitals, modesty is often thrown to the wind as treatments are carried out in full view of milling crowds.

legal precedent 判例That's encouraging. And not only because non-Japanese are slowly realizing that with copious time, money and willpower, they might sue and get some semblance of justice. They might even positively affect legal precedent…

diverge 枝分かれする、分岐するThis road diverges in two directions at the next corner. この道は次の角で二股に分かれる。 (主流から形・パターンを変えて)分化する、それる The new government diverged from the old policies. 新政府はこれまでの…

testify against 〜に不利な証言をする Juries are seemingly wary of employees who testify against bosses in return for more lenient sentences.rectitude 正直さ、公正さ It was Enron more than any of the other big corporate fraud that ushered i…