Altough we are certain you are anxiously awaiting to receive your product, if you would kindly wait a little longer, we will notify you by email as soon as we find out the date of delivery.商品到着を心待ちにされておりますところ、誠に申し訳…

safety of his leafy perch 安全な高みから(人を見下す)How dare you, Thompson suggested from the safety of his leafy perch in middle England, betray us by letting your inconvenient experiences in Communist Poland obstruct the view of our com…

thrusut into When you were thrust into this position [in 1991] just after the Cold War ended, you were in a place to experiment with all our ideas about theory and action and how they go together. What have you learned in these eight years…

a sense of incongruity 違和感rugged independense 無骨な


strike a chord 琴線にふれる、ぴんと来るものがある、lavish warm praise 惜しみない賛辞を送るnarrowly escaped with one's life 命からがら逃げる

anorexia 拒食症mess around 気ままに時間を過ごす、ブラブラする、無為に過ごすPart of what makes this so sad is the way that even kids in this small town don't wander around the neighborhood starting pick up games and messing around, like I d…

sharpen the possiblity 可能性を先鋭化するHe is specifically reacting against what I started out this posting with: the sense that it is possible to translate Marxist dialectical terms into Deleuzian non-dialectical ones, and that in doing …

stock market tumbles more than __% on fears of 〜を嫌気して株価は_%値下がりする resounding 鳴り響く、響き渡る、はっきりとした、全くのresounding defeat 大敗 resounding election victory 華々しい[圧倒的{あっとうな]選挙での勝利there is so…

discernAS CHOU EN-LAI observed of the 1789 revolution in France, the full impact of events in that country can take centuries to discern. squabble つまらない口論、小競合いThe immediate gloom was deepened by one of the EU's periodic budget …

cell proliferation 細胞増殖While the term is widely used, class has always resisted clear definition. All three books also frame this issue by asserting or implying that lines between classes are hardening.

blissfully happy この上なく幸せなI guess you could say we had a blissfully happy childhood. However, when Primo went to secondary school he became a lot more troubled. He was small for his age and the bigger boys picked on him.

drill down (問題などを)掘り下げるLet's drill down for a moment into each of these three cases, teasing out some of the essential elements of difference.homegrown applications 自作のアプリケーションtrue child 申し子Like Google, DoubleClic…

gruesome 身の毛もよだつ、身震いするほど恐ろしい、陰惨な I can't stand horror movies because they're so gruesome. 身の毛がよだつので、ホラー映画は耐えられない。pick up the pieces 事態を収拾する、後始末をする、It was a year after the United …

relate to 気持ちが通じる、気持ちがわかる、共鳴するDo you have Korean fans? Actually I do. Sometimes people from Korea will post messages on my website. And I performed in an awards ceremony in Korea; some people had signs up and I was like…

tap out たたく、打つ、たたき出す、tap out an SOS SOS を打つ tap out the figure on a calculator 電卓で数字を打ち出すStarting Saturday, many cell phone users may find their beloved handsets even more indispensable. In addition to tapping out…

dizzyingly 目まぐるしく、目まいがするほどToday it is possible to have information about any part of the world, at any moment and concurrently. But money also has the power of ubiquity now. It comes and goes dizzyingly, as if it were everyw…

Smother me with kisses, for your love is better than wine.You shall love your neighbor as yourself.It is easier for a camael to go thorough the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.Whatever your hand finds t…

appratus 装置、器具 特定の目的のため、仕組みが複雑で技術水準の高い装置をいう。breathing apparatus(呼吸装置、酸素マスク)、diving apparatus(潜水具)、laboratory apparatus(実験器具)などがその例。また、political apparatus(政治機構)のよ…

saliva 唾液 [sэla'ivэ]AIDS can not be transmitted by touch or by saliva, so the chances of Eve infecting another child were very low.shunned 寄り付かない、敬遠される、仲間はずれにされる、孤立する、all year round 一年中Now we use artificial…

Great Quotations from the BIBLES

If someone strikes you on your left cheek, turn the other to him as well.The training of the body brings limited benefit, but the benefits of religion are without limit.Long hair disgraces a man, but givea a woman glory.Generations come an…

cash in on 〜から利益{りえき}を得る、〜につけこんむ、利用する、The company is cashing in on the craze for computer network. その会社はパソコン通信ブームに乗って収益を上げつつある。overblown 大げさな、誇張しすぎた、度をこした、 His reputa…

buzz with life 活気にあふれるAPPEARANCES often deceive, but, in one respect at least, the visitor's first impression of Chicago is likely to be correct: this is a city buzzing with life, humming with prosperity, sparkling with new building…

stifle ~ on one run 一点に押さえ込むBut the Cubans could not solve Daisuke Matsuzaka, who stifled them on one run over four innings, and they could not overcome Japan.crawl to one run down 一点差までこぎつける retire (バッターを)アウトに…

voter participation 有権者参加 voter participation rate 有権者投票率Unlike Medicare's clients—the feared senior group—Medicaid recipients aren't a potent political constituency: they are, on average, poor and poorly educated, with low vote…

stone fence 石垣

a quirk of fate 運命のいたずら、思いがけない偶然、come in handy 思いがけず役に立つYou never know when something is going to come in handy. いつ何が役に立つか分からない。 to apporopriate a current colloquialism, 現代の話し言葉を借りるならば…

pervert 曲解する、誤解する、誤って使用する、不適切に用いる、 Some think terrorists pervert the meaning of Islam. テロリストはイスラム教の意味を曲解していると考える人もいるopen contempt あからさまな蔑視display open contempt for 〜に対するあ…

relegate 〜 to the back barner 後回しにする、二の次にするIn the 1980s the concept of “truth and reconciliation” began to be the rage, and justice was relegated to the back burner.on the back burner 後回し、棚上げ、保留にしてfree-trade acco…

teeter ぐらつく、シーソーにのる The company is teetering on the brink of being delisted from the NASDAQ. その企業はナスダック店頭株式市場の銘柄表から外されるか外されないかの瀬戸際でぐらついている。prop up 下支えするThe policy was adopted i…